Working Group Draft Plan Content
The five Working Groups have completed their first round of content creation! Click on the icons below to see what the ideas of the community.
Topic Matrices
Instructions: Click on the matrix you want to view. This will open a new page where you can view, print or download the document.
Working Group Roles & Responsibilities
The purpose of Working Groups for the Alisal Vibrancy Plan is to allow residents, stakeholders, officials and technical advisors the chance to explore and create content around specific topics identified by the Steering Committee and community.
The Working Groups will:
Perform research and gather community input on particular topics in five theme areas: Housing, Community Health and Safety, Economic Development, Transportation, and Quality of Life. The following document lists possible topics each Working Group may explore - Working Group Themes and Topics.
Develop plan recommendations, content, and implementation strategies for the Steering Committee with assistance from staff, technical members, and plan consultants.
Assist in outreach and generating inclusive participation in planning events.
Be opportunities for stakeholders with a passion for one area of the plan, but do not have the time or desire to join the full Steering Committee.
Meet once a month, for approximately 2 hours and do an average of 2-4 hours of work in between meetings, such as outreach, research in the group’s area or liaising back to their agency or organization.
Working Groups are open to all residents and stakeholders who have a passion for a particular topic! In addition to residents and other key stakeholders, Working Groups will also include technical advisors who can help the group strengthen their specific recommendations.
Contact us if you're interested in joining a Working Group, or check out our calendar of events to find out when the next meeting is.
Meeting Documents
Draft Working Group Content
June drafts:
Existing Conditions Presentation - 9/28/17
Working Group Orientation Presentation
Working Group Notes