Alisal Street Corridor Plan
A Complete Streets Plan for East Alisal Street
Alongside the Alisal Vibrancy Plan, the City of Salinas has been developing a plan to make Alisal Street from Front Street to Bardin Road a more "complete street." A "complete street" is a street that is safe, comfortable and convenient for all users, young and old, able or disabled, that walk, bicycle, take transit or drive along the corridor. The "Alisal Corridor Complete Streets Plan" is being funded by a Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning grant awarded to the City in 2016. The City is partnering with two nonprofit organizations — the Local Government Commission and Building Healthy Communities (BHC) — for project management and outreach. The City is also using the Alisal Vibrancy Plan consulting team, led by Raimi and Associates, to develop the East Alisal Corridor Complete Streets Plan.
Engagement Summary
Engagement for the East Alisal Street Corridor Plan began in 2017, and has included a diverse range of activities, such as pop-ups, street outreach, social media use, interviews, and workshops. The resident-led Alisal Vibrancy Plan Steering Committee, and the Transportation Working Group assisted with project outreach and provided guidance on design alternatives and the draft plan. The primary public involvement tool for the corridor project was an intensive three-day charrette and Community Design Workshop. The charrette included numerous exercises to meaningfully and sincerely engage Alisal residents and stakeholders in crafting new ideas for the future of the East Alisal Street Corridor.
Draft concepts for the corridor were shared through the Alisal Vibrancy Plan Steering Committee and Working Group meetings, numerous pop-up events, flyers to over 600 Alisal businesses, and even door-to-door outreach.
Draft Plan
The East Alisal Street Corridor Plan was unanimously accepted by City Council January 2019! You can view the plan by clicking the link above or the cover image.